Herbal Gardens

The project has plans of establishing two well-planned and engraved medicinal / herbal plant gardens with nurseries at Uganda National Museum and Igongo Cultural Institute. The herbal gardens will be a major sustainable program of the project after the temporary exhibitions are long gone. The University of Zurich team will be very resourceful in sharing knowledge on how best to manage, treat and preserve the garden.

By establishing and supporting medicinal plant nurseries and gardens, including educational programs, we contribute to reduced loss of natural resources and biodiversity and economically empower the rural population.


        The medicinal herbal gardens are aimed at:


    • Improved and sustainable access to medicinal plant knowledge
    • Community education on how the TM can support primary health care in households
    • Educate masses on conservation of these TM plants thus reducing pressure on the environment
    • Production of seeds and seedlings
    • Knowledge on how to increase business opportunities and source of income from the sale of medicinal plant seedlings and plant raw materials to local users, traders and manufactures by local communities.
    • Knowledge on sustainable cultivation and harvesting of medicinal plants
    • Ability to recognize important medicinal plants for domestic use and learn how to use them safely
    • Sensitization for value of TM as living cultural heritage